Protection Products for BMW & Adventure Touring Motorcycles
Function & Quality drive the unique solutions – always with a Design Edge
See Product NEWS & SPECIALS Below
Discounts on Select Products !
MudSling Rear Suspension Guards for all models GS, R/RS, and R9T, are now 25% off. Protect your OEM or aftermarket rear shock and surrounding surfaces from abrasion and mud accumulation - SAVE !
ADVance Guard Multi-Functional Hand Guards are 10% off on select models thru April 1st. Prepare for Spring riding!
ADVance Guards give you control over air flow and comfort depending on the weather and temperature - without needing tools. A Kit is now available for the new 2024~2025 BMW R1300 GS and GSA: ADVance Guard
- R1300 GS PRODUCT NEWS - In addition to the effective Avant 1300-GS Front Fender Extension now available, a MudSling Rear Suspension Guard to protect the shock and surrounding surfaces will be introduced later in April.
- X-Head 1300 Cylinder Guards are now in development and will be available in Q1 of 2025. For news updates, please notify us via the Contact link at the top of this page. More information will be coming!
"As the owner of RawHyde Adventures one of my biggest challenges is dealing with the damage inflicted on our bikes by our students as they learn the off-road riding techniques that we teach. In our 2020 season my single biggest expense was replacing cracked valve covers on our BMW 1250 GS’s. I am really pleased to say that in all of 2021 we did not have a single valve cover damaged and I attribute that to the fact that we installed the MachineArt X-Head 1250 cylinder guard on ALL 35 of our big GS’s."
Jim Hyde
RawHyde Adventures:
"The Machineart Moto X-Heads have, hands down, saved my cylinder heads. My R1250 GS has been through some really rough terrain, and I never feel worried about a puncture. I wouldn't ever go without the Machineart Moto X-Heads to protect my motorcycle."
Cassie Maier - "Full Gear Female" Motorcycle Rider Training